Monday, April 14, 2008

Youth Fair 08'

Our first Youth Fair is done and over with! Alysse did great and got 4th place with Stormie. It was a BIG learning experience for all of us and we glad we did it. Stormie did better than expected until the showmanship judging starting at which point she had had it! Alysse was almost in tears because Stormie would not behave but kept her cool until the very end. The judge made her switch goats to see if it was just the goat not behaving or if it was Alysse that was not good a showing. She quickly found out that it was Stormie indeed. We have a lot of work ahead of us before the Lynden Fair starts in Aug. Elijah was a big help with clean up and keeping the place swept up. We learned and so did the goats, we hope. It is a lot harder than you think. Animals get bored and tired just like people do and when they are ready to go they are ready to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the pic,s from the fair. Tell
Alysse that pratice makes perfect or at least better the more you do it.I'm proud of her and hope she does'nt get discouraged.I always
thought it was nice for kids to join the 4H club.Does she ever talk about horse backriding again?I thought that was great.I always wanted dad to get me a horse and an in the ground pool.As you know I never got either....Oh! by the way, the first pic you put in theBLOG from, is that your BIG GUY on the right side with the other goat? Does he seem interested in
joining the 4H later? Is Alysse
looking forward to the Lynden Fair? Is that the one you took me to when I was up there? Have a good week and tell Kelsey I said
hello give the kids a kiss for me.I guess we will all be waiting
for Cody's test results.I pray
that that it is all VERY GOOD news.

1st day of school 08'

1st day of school 08'

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