Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Peanut photo update

Just a quick note and new pics of "Peanut". She is very cute and looks like a little stuffed animal. The kids are getting anxious for her arrival in about a month. Hope you like the countdown clock. Elijah is really into Scooby-Do these days so that is why I picked that one. I will write more later.


Anonymous said...

I can see why you are all anxious
for Peanut's arrival at her new
home.Sure hope that Zoey treats her
nice. Even dogs can get jealous!!!!
You should make a series from those
pictures to hang on the wall. She
sure is cute. In case you didn't
know, your (LITTLE) brother is here
visiting with me until Tues.I had a
Ford City Hoeggy here for him when
he got in from the Air Port yesterday. We ate our sandwiches
and watched SURVIOR together. My
apt. is still like a maze but I
hope these guys soon get done.
I'll talk to you later. Tell the kids I just LOVE both of their dogs
Tell Kelsey I said hello also.

Anonymous said...

Peanut certainly is a cute pup.
Don't forget when you get her home,
I'd like to see Peanut and Zoey in
a picture together.Peanut still
looks like a stuffed toy. I keep
checking your Blog every day .I have so many things on my mind now
days with Cody's surgery & my brother,JR'S.Tell everyone I said
hello and I LOVE you all.....
Will check in later.

1st day of school 08'

1st day of school 08'

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