Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Not so perfect season!

I've been to busy to sit down and write anything in the last several days but have a little time now. I thought that the Superbowl was going to be a blowout just like most the nation and boy were we wrong! I had to watch it via the internet at work and listened to the end on my Sirius radio. I hate the NE Patriots and I'm so glad that the lost!!! :) Sorry Shirley but they asked for it! The head coach is a cheater and a sore loser! Brady is so embarrased that he can't even show his face in public. Where are the praposals now? He and Moss are opting out of the Pro Bowl, I wonder why? I honestly did not think that Eli Manning had it in him but he proved a lot of people wrong, good for him.
Peanut is a couple days older and has yet to open her eyes. We got some updated photos and I have added them to the Blog. We hope that she has wavy hair just like Zoey but it just depends on who she takes after. Mother was a minature poodle and dad was a Yorkie. The kids are getting excited but we have to wait until spring break to get her. Zoey will love to have a sister to play with and keep her company.
It's like we are starting Noah's ark because we have two of everything. That should be the last addition for a while, I hope.
Hope all is well on your end and keep praying for little Cody!!


Anonymous said...

I must say , Peanut is getting
cuter every day. Is she really Zoey's sister?????? I can't figure
why you sign as pwoody!!!!!!! You
may have told me at one time but
I sure don't remember..........
I am so glad that Cody is out of
the hospital.
Tell everyone I said Hello and Love
you all.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you about the NE Pats. Glad the Superbowl ended like it did, it took a former STEELER to do it! Peanut is really cute. Love and Kisses to everyone, BigSis!

1st day of school 08'

1st day of school 08'

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